slept quite late, or shld i say, i cant slp. why? becoz i am surrounded with relatives whu snore. yeap. and is not those rhythmic kind, but those orchestra kind. haiz.. slept at 5am, yeap. and i was woke up by my younger cousin at 7 plus. haiz. wat the hell.
oh ya, i ate a lot of Durians, Mangosteens and Rambutans, yeap, all those are from the plantations that my grandfather planted before he gone. he neber had a chance to eat wat he sow. i came home at 1plus, reach spore at 3plus. took a cab back home. and fell asleep. woke up at 5 plus. gave a call to my cousin in england, chatted with him. den rushed out to meet my God-sis at Marina South.

yeap. too bad still got one more, she not free la. haiz... but already consider not bad liao. let me introduce to u all my god-sis
from the left to right : Jie qi (Water Pail), Dan Lin (Egg), Me (Stone), Qinyi (Colgate), Xin Rong (Sotong)
u must be wondering why got such funny nick, well that is a long long story. i will tell one day. haha. anyway, we went 镇发活海鲜 to eat lor. i got free butter facial, lesson on how to clean a crab and how to pick up live prawns from the floor. haha. i realli had a good time lor. we walked back to the mrt station. along the way, we sing, joke and someone even scream over the snails. haha. here are some pictures taken.
end of the meal, that is a disaster
my sistas, trying to act cute :p
i tried to upload more photos, but blogger kinda stuck, nvm.
after that i went to meet Irene and Philip for the game of Pool. haha. here is the photo of me playin pool, look kinda expert liao sia. haha. Shots taken by Irene, a bit blurry lor.

as usual, we played till close. haha. that was the last time we meeting to play pool liao. coz irene working late lor. and i tink i need time to pack my luggage liao.