Photos ....
there is a lot of photos taken, enjoy peeps. to make it easier, i will placed them under different headings....
Dinner at Hog's Breath Cafe

group photo L-R: Qing's bf, Wei Qing, Lester, Me, Carene, Delfina, Clarence

Me and the white Jacket...

Me and Carene, the organizer for the dinner.
the 21st candle and the slice of yummy choc cake.
me holding the key chain with my room keys.... haha.

Lester and Carene ....

Carene helpin me cut the corn, i feel like a queen man. haha....

Me and my birthday cake. yes that knife is a steak knife. haha.

i get super vain when i get tipsy. haha.

Natural Prime Ribs with Fries and Veges accompanied by mushroom sauce

close up on my choc bdae cake. haha.

sae hi to the shot given to me on empty stomach. of coz look at the shot glass. haha
the cup of Cosmo which i didnt realli manage to finish it. haha.

entrance of the Cafe

Me and the flowers. nice rite?

this is the finger food combo, left clockwise: Calamari, deep fried chix, skinned potato with bacons, spring rolls.Waterford Tarvern
Nigel, Peggy and Me
Steph, Me and Jill
Arpita and me
Aaron and Adrian
Jarrad and Me
Talk to the Hand, courtesy of Adrian
Me and Kimmie
Please pardon the vulgar sign. supposed to be a grp photo, ended up i get kissed from both side, so fortunate. L-R: Steph, Me, Jill, Shana
King and Me
Janette, Me, John and Andrew
L-R: Adrian, Ahmad, Me, Denise, Ubhay (i hope i got the names rite)
L-R: Arpita, Heikal, Me, Suffain, Rafidah, Andrew 
Janette, John and Jill (the 3 Js)
Rafidah, Me, Suffain and Heikal

L-R: Peggy, Me, Steph, Shana, Nigel
One of the Victim ....

yeap anor victim, haha.At Jill's Place after Waterford

Me and Tigger, see my face. haha...

to prove that i am still okie, peace sign.

after one hr, still a peace sign. haha.
Steamboat at Jill's Place
Steamboat, yummy...
Me and Nigel
Making a wish. yeap....

My Cake upclose.... haha

Me and Steph ....

a.k.a "Mariah" haha.... kidding, she is realli good with housework sia.... haha

big grp photo, L-R: Kimmie, Peggy, Jill, Kristen, Nigel, Me, Aaron, Shana, Ash, Alex, Steph, Adrian, Tran
The four girls and my cake. haha.
Presents ....

White Coat ...

pressie collated from the day itself, still got la. but haben take photo yet

got this clock from back home. not a present, dun worry
Singapore colours? haha....

The pouch that i got from my brother, hmmm.... nice? haha.