Premiered at the Adelaide Festival, to sold out houses, the show has been toured to the UK (nominated “Star of the Festival” and awarded as “Best International Act” in Brighton), to Canada and France, where it received rave reviews and it was sold out for the entire Avignon International Festival.
With ME, RAY CHARLES AND SAMMY DAVIS JR. Melvin creates a dialogue on stage with the two 'Greats', and combines their great singing (Ray), their astonishing dance (Sammy Davis Jr.), their entertainment ability and comedy sketches, with his true charismatic and explosive personality, his original songs and his original dancing, tap dancing, mime and robotics.
Melvin’s sound has been compared to such great entertainers as Otis Redding, Ray Charles, James Brown, Sam Cooke, Louis Armstrong, and many of the gospel greats. His shows have inspired and entertained audiences worldwide through song, dance, tap, storytelling and humor. His dancing talents include Tap Dancing, Juke Dancing, Clogging, Jazz, Swing, Contemporary, Mime and Robotics. Audiences enjoy watching his dance moves that reflect styles from the 1940s into the new millennium!
"We are looking for people who:
Name : Sharon Phang a.k.a Stone
Birthdate : 17th August 1984