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Sunday, February 01, 2009

How True ???


Leo, a universal loved, sunshine filled, energized zodiac. Most Leo craved for love, yet sometimes the love they have isn't considered real, sometimes the love might just be yearned for, or even vainly hope for. To be blatantly honest, the person a Leo loved is themselves. It is important that Leo allow themselves to shine and gain the love and respect from others. From this, Leo will be able to experience the kind of affection from others and feel delighted, as a result, love others. However, we should think carefully, have we really loved? Have we loved the way we wanted?


Actually, we did love, because we love ourselves. The extent of self-love from a Leo is ranked the highest among the rest of the zodiac. Leo showed their love and abundance breadth of mind through the worship of others or inferiority attitude of others. But, that isn't pure love.


Moreover, Leo love the feeling of conquering. Maybe they don't love you, or they have not love you enough, but for the sake of the feeling, they might end up "loving" you, just to prove their outstanding charm. Of course, Leo does not like to hurt others, due to the fact that they are kind-hearted and filled with righteousness inside. Leo are people who value principles, in the event that they hurt others, they will not say it out due to their "face" but deep down inside, they will be feeling guilty. Others might not see it, but Leo will be having a hard time.


Regardless of male or female, Leo sink into a relationship easily, but as fast as the enthusiasm comes, the cooling off is alarming. If a Leo can maintain a relationship for a long period of time with you, congrats. It just meant that you have a strong influence and charm, that allow the Leo to love you whole-heartedly. Otherwise, Leo are known to be insecure and sensitive animals, who will sought for charming or new things. The reason being, although Leo look secure, sunshine, outgoing, the insecurity within have never subside, the confident look is just a defence mechanism.


At the same time, Leo can be heartless. It is impossible for them to turn back to the previous relationship, there is no "regret" or "turning back" in the dictionary of a Leo. Because, Leo have strong pride and ego, once they decided to give it up, there is no way they will turn back and change their mind. Another reason is Leo is afraid to get hurt, they will rather let slip a relationship, give it up, don't want it, just to prevent the danger of getting hurt, to them, it is not worth it, Leo love themselve too much.


Leo love the crowd, but they love to be alone too. Leo are able to strike a balance between the two. They love to hang out with friend and have a crazy time, or even becoming the attention of the party, but when being at home, they will become quiet, reserved, they do not like to be disturbed as they need the personal space to reflect. Take that space away, they will become unreasonable or even leave you. "Freedom" and "Self" occupy the most weight in a Leo.




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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Trip back home ...

i tink i better update twice, regardin this trip back to sg, if not i sure wun rem anyting by the end of it. haha.

lets see, with the help of the simple organiser in my phone, lets recap.

first of all, i hate Changi airport to the max, why? the location of the stupid smokin area is unknown. so after 5 hrs of flight, i had to get the taxi driver to stop somewhere just to hav a smoke, and i meant somewhere, by the bloody roadside. felt so idiotic.

anyway, reach home, supposed to hav a rest, but i just couldnt slp, so ended up went to the market with mum. didnt noe what got into me, wore my white havana, to a WET market. hmmm, i was lucky that it didnt turn black straight away. haha.

went off to meet elise and cindy to go shoppin in the city. it just justified the fact that i brought back quite a number of my oz cloths, as a whole day shoppin in the city, i didnt even buy a single ting. goodness. but in the case of eating, haha, i sure was eatin all the way, met up with cathy half way and continue eatin. goodness. was still recoverin from the flight so kinda went home and slp.

the next day, went to find Carene and her work collegues at Kbox in MS, with a bad throat, i didnt had much sing. after that, join her parents at Kallang stadium for church service, which somehow, i regretted. no offence, but when a pastor who normally uses chinese to deliver a service, uses english, i got fed up listening.

after that, went down Butter Factory in Robertson Quay. it is supposed to be the best R&B club, but well, it is more of Hip Hop. it made me miss MetroCity so much. one ting that i was kinda turn off is the way they drink. i tot oz is crazy, but here is even worse. esp when i look at the bottles of Moet CHandon. hmmm. cant blame me. haha. but, it was fun in a way or anor. went to River Valley rd for supper, at this place called Spize or sth like that, which sell prata. haha.

on Sat, went to Immigration to renew my passport. den headed down to meet Carene and Jielin for a session of Javanese Spa. haha. it is good, and i planned to head back there before i go. haha. had coffee at Paragon, and went Guess for shopping. bought a shirt, a pant and a belt. hmmm. full set. haha.

went to meet my Meis at Lot 1 for dinner. haha. well, each of them hav a story behind them, sometimes i wonder, will it be nice if i was there for them. hmmm. i wonder.

after dinner, met Cathy at Clarke Quay, had a walk arnd, and man, the night spots are full of variety. haha. however, we both went to Boat Quay, this ktv pub owned by her frenz, opened a bottle of Martell, drinkin and chillin out. haha. that is when i kinda felt old. haha.

came home in the early morning, had less den couple hrs of slp, and had to head back to Malaysia for CNY. hmmm, with an open mind, it wasnt as bad as it was. didnt tink much, just slack thru the 3 days back. lotsa gossip back there, but to me, is just listen.

came back last nite, i was tired out, didnt hav enuf slp, plus i wasnt feelin well. the joke abt coughin till i get a 6 pack still stand. haha. had a good nite slp.

was supposed to be loiterin arnd today, but end up met with elise lor. haha. two ppl loiterin is more fun. haha. went to slack arnd in orchard again. went to wisma Ralph Lauren, bought a shirt and a polo tee. haha. love it. haha. cant wait to wear it back in oz. haha.

went to the movie at Lot 1 to watch "The Wedding Game" by Fann Wong and Christopher Lee. haha. is a local movie, but well, it was funny, not too lame, thankfully. haha.

this trip back, i did not packed too much, reason bein, Nic mentioned. "go back, observe arnd you, put urself in other's shoe, see what do they hav that u want, and wat u do not wan, den u will noe if stayin in oz is worth what u are givin up on."

i have not drawn a conclusion. i will not until the end of the trip. i come back with an open mind.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hmm ....

when was the last time i updated, hmmm, NY day.

till now, no fixed resolution. i guess it will pretty much be take one day as it comes.

esp in 3 more days, i headin back sg for holi. yesh. finally.

okie, was alreadi in Holi mood 1 week ago. considerin lettin the ASM handle the shop by himself.

had a scare on the visa, nearly couldnt fly back, but everythin fine now.

had a huge argument with mum over stupid money again, nearly wanted to cancel the whole trip, but yeah, dun wanna tink too much abt it.

had a new gang of ppl, wat a interestin way to start 09.

had been appearin in Hits for more than once a week,

had been appearin in Metro every wk, to the extent the bouncer do not need to check my ID, wtf.

had schedule packed for the holi, till someone enlightened me with the organiser in the phone. haha.

having a sore throat now, which hope it will be alrite be4 i go back.

having plans to head to KL in feb, but dunno what the story like yet.

having the success of cuttin down on Booze, which is healthy, lets not tok abt ciggies at the moment.

haven started doing spring cleaning, what the fuss abt CNY in Oz. haha.

haven sorted a couple of tings before i go back at work, shld be done by the next 2 days.

haven coloured my hair yet, still couldnt decide the colour.

haven had enuf slp, which i doubt so for the next 3 weeks.

thats enuf for now.

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Thursday, January 01, 2009


well, it the start of a new year,

ask me abt NY resolution, i haven tot abt it yet. maybe when one day, when i just sit somewhere, it will strike me.

anyway, went to Hits for countdown with Stephen's gang. hmmm, ended up, kinda slpt thru the countdown. haha. too tired. didnt join them for poker, coz i had to work on NY, at first i wasnt that keen, but it prove to be worth it.

was at Ascot the whole day today, helping out with the Perth Cup. saw lotsa hot chics and guys, my boss was literally drooling

hahaha. tired day, but its interesting, dun mind helpin out again.

anyway, too tired to update.

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Bloated Sundried Tomato ....

hmm, or maybe i shld say polka-dots winter melon. watever it is, those stupid alcohol+heat rashes are killin me.

had bbq at Connie's place on the wkend, having gone thru the amt of beers and indulgence in seafood, xmas food, blah blah blah. and den a continous attempt at Hits, with Whisky and beer from dunno where the fuck. i shld have known the rashes will emerge.

however, what i did not expect was that the bloody hot temp brought up the heat rashes as well, the last time i had heat rash was when i returned to perth from sg earlier this yr. i was heating up inside, maybe could have cooked a bloody egg on my forehead. haha.

anyway, the lethal combi of Heat+alcohol rash did the ultimate, it makes me look so bloody bloated, and super duper itchy, i dun rem chicken pox to be that itchy compared to now. ahhhhhh. plus the stupid weather is not helping much, going into the 40 range till end of this wk, which means, either i end up scratchin myself to death, or i will be disfigured soon. wtf.

the mentioned of that camiolle lotion is not tempting yet, as i hate the smell. hmmm, have already taken the tablets that i had before, and it is not helping much either. i might just end up soakin myself into a tub of ice.

next time, i shall stick to my whisky rather den beer. i swear off beer, i tink i am allergic to sth in the beer yet not in other alcohol. hmmmm. anyway, this NY wun be slacking, as i pretty much hav to work thru. esp when it is end of financial yr, and there the perth cup crap shit ting which i seriously dunno what the f*** the hype about. but whatever.

just 1wk of slp, and everything back to usual. thankfully. like the boss said, "Business As Usual". i shld start making plans for 2009, or shld i say following up on my plans.

but first, it will be a vacation back in sg, before i fully conc on my future. hopefully, this time round, it will be a break to relax, not a break that caused even more harm to myself. hmmm.

i tink i like my ears bloated, haha. kidding.

goin try to ctach some wink, got a busy day ahead.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas Day ....

well, Merry xmas to everyone.

not that it is a festival that i realli feel merry. hmmm. i guess after being out of the Xmas and NYE party scene of sg for almost 4yrs, i kinda dun get the hype or whatsoever. hmm, and i hate xmas shopping. like i was toking to one of my staff "after you hav spent almost 8yrs in retail working xmas, u will not like xmas at all" its just anor festival that get so commercialized that it kinda lose its meaning.

i saw those xmas lights that were bein put up by families arnd perth, goodness, whats the big talk abt bein environmentally friendly, crap. i look at the queue at the supermarket, its as if we are goin to war. i look at the parking lot of the major shopping centers, goodness, it looks like its shuttin down, and everything is free.

the weird ting is that, after being stuck in xmas retail for almost 8yrs, and i promise myself to give myself a break, i kinda feel a bit empty. is like, pretty much slp thru it. though i recieve a phone call, but u just seem so far away. it did brin me some joy.

this yr xmas is just anor day, esp when i am struggling inside. i told myself that i am just gonna rest. though havin someone with me will be more than wat i could ask for, the prob now is who is the someone. A or B or shld i go find C.

had a glass of wine, feelin so much relax now. headin off to bed. enjoy the xmas peeps.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008


Realised haven been updating for 2 weeks.

nth much happened i supposed, or was it that i was lazy. hmmm.

went Metro the sat before, fun, super fun. of coz is Hits before that, room was jammed packed. hmmm. though a phone call spoilt my night, but yeah, its still a good wkend.

okie, had Stephen's house warming on last Sat, haha. nice housie, hmmm, i wanna get one too. hahaha. got drunk on Friday @ Crown with Eugene's crew, to that extent that i had to drag evee out of bed at 3am to plead her to drive me home. hahahaha.

Mum and Bro was here for holi for a week, nth much compared to where ever they went, is more self serviced rather den me drivin arnd. hmmm.

everyone headin back for holi, hmmm, so what to do, pickin up Hawker's again. hmmm, just for a couple of days a week. hmm, extra bucks i supposed. haha.

weeks coming up to xmas, hmm, dun even noe what i am doing. maybe just working bah. haha. tml havin company xmas party at AMF bowling. hmm. well, time to see drunk ppl again. haha.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

OOOOO yeah ....

just pass anor wkend, and it is getting crazier and crazier. goodness.

Friday went Crown with Eugene's gang, ask me "how does it feel to be in a room full of guys, except me". damn funny la. but couple of them sure can sing. hahaha. Evee and Claire they all also in anor room. plus Sam they all in anor. goodness. singing till i almost broke my voice. haha. they called me a bully coz they keep losing to me in dices and five-ten. haha. but after a while, the tables turned, i had to run to Evee's room to rest. haha. played till the wee hrs, and fell straight into bed in the early morning. hahaha.

Saturday, fetch Evee to her fashion show in Freo, den headed to work in Subi. bloody boring, see all the flashy cars, yet cant bloody infringe them. hmmm. apparently its the Andre Rieu concert. 700 tonnes of equipment. hmm, what a flashy show. too bad is kinda all the older age grp. haha.

after that pick Evee up, came home changed, and head straight down to metro. as expected, it was jammed packed, haha. too many frenz there, had hell of an interesting nite. hahaha. of coz, i siam alcohol is gettin so much better. haha. apparently, next wk again. hahaha.

a little drama at the end of the nite, Alexis went missing for a coupel of hrs, hmm. also dunno what went wrong. but lucky it was resolved. hmmm. a little scare at the end. hmm.

next wk, hmmm, pretty much can guess the program. haha. but i better be careful of the dancing, haha, age is catching up pretty fast. haha. haven lost the moves, but have lost the stamina. haha.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wild Wkend ....

okie, yesterday was a jam. hahaha.

of coz was a surprise pop in by Jo, which is so bloody last min that i realli feel like strangling her. haha. Air Stewardess big shot sia. one msn msg just to say that she was gonna be in town. hahaha. nevertheless, it felt good to see an old old frenz. haha.

was out in the arvo havin a late lunch at Famosa with Ruby. hmm, coz Denise was takin his IELTS. haha. and i tink also buildin up his energy for the party that night. haha. chitty chatty, even had time to grab a mask for Jo, as she was crashin the party. haha.

pick Jo up at her hotel, and took her to my place, coz apparently she need to skype with her US frenz. haha. lotsa tings to catch up on, esp we haven seen each other for almost 1 yr. haha. when she is flyin everywhere in the world, it good to feel that she hasnt changed since JC. haha.

had dinner at Hawker's with Evee la, haha. what is the best way to get someone into flyin as a air stewardess? get Jo to explain the pay structure. haha. u shld hav seen how Evee literally lights up. haha. "did anyone mentioned abt motion sickness?" haha.

headed over to the party at Hitz. it was chaotic fun. haha. the amt of alcohol consume shall not be mentioned. haha. i had a fair share, coz lovely Evee is the driver that night. hahaha. i decided, no more taking photos when i drink, i look like a bloated idiotic tomato. haiz. previous photos kinda prove it. hmmm.

went over Metro, as Shu Vern's gang and Eugene's gang were there. it was packed, which was kinda out of a bit of norm, as it is onli the first week of exam for uni students. haha. Adrian's gang was there too. haha.

shaking all nite does hav the side effects this morning. haha. aching muscles. haha. well at least i know i gave it a good workout. not. haha. it was fun and here we go again next week. haha.

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Monday, November 10, 2008


"In the words of Deepak Chopra, “By realizing we can see ourselves in others, every relationship becomes a tool for the evolution of our consciousness.” Life is about learning, and you can either learn through joy or through pain. The people you choose to be in relationships with will either take you to the heights of ecstasy or to the depths of hell. The choice is yours. Choose wisely."

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Nights Out ...

well well, even a simple tot of having a healthy sat night seems to have gone up into flames, poof.

got a call at arnd midnight last nite, with a short call from Mali, "Hits, Room 25". that came when i was alreadi changed and pulled the blanket over my head. hahaha. well, for the fact that i was itchin to go out, and haven been out with Mali for quite sometime.

the moment i stepped into the tiny room, i noe it wun just be Hits, she was all dressed up to go Metro. hahaha. so, 4 of us, Mali, Me, Jo and Carol. hell lot of fun. hahaha.

Metro was even better, not too squeezy, 3 rounds of shots at a go, man, i had to drag myself into safety. hahaha. even Eugene had to grab water up to the smokin area with just a look at my face. haha. those gals are crazy. hahaha.

went for supper after that, not much of an appetite lately, maybe due to the change in weather bah. haha. sent Jo back, den headed home. but due to the fact that i had red bull late at night, i was awake like an owl. so kinda forced myself to slp at 6am, when it is freaking bright.

went to City this arvo with Evee, finally had my Ginseng Chix soup. yummy. satisfied, and slpy. haha. alrite, my brain is shuttin down. grabbin some slp. ciao.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

skipped work ...

hmm, that is what i did today, i dunno what got over me. hmmm.

send in my car for the regular service this morning, even got Eugene to wake up bloody early, so he can drop me off at work. hmm. but ended up, just dun feel like going in. so we decided to have lunch first. hmmm. lets see, that was abt 10 plus in the morning, and damn, lotsa place isnt even open for lunch/brekkie yet.

so we ended up driving from one surburb to anor, passing numerous BP site, and we decided to stop at BullCreek finally. had dim sum, coz we didnt wanted any fast food. after brekkie/lunch, dragged him to Pot Black in Cannington for few rounds of snooker. haha. man, i need more prac, though it was a close game, but still.

head arnd to look for laptop, and i realised the prices of laptop is gettin so cheap that maybe i shld changed mine soon. hahaha.

after pickin up the car, i just came home and slp. hmmm, i dunno why i am that tired, maybe becoz of the stupid daylight savings tingy. hmmm.

was tinking, hav i got wat it takes to be successful in the next 5 yrs? not that i am doubting my capabilities, but more of my mentality. starting to feel the urge to study again, but for how long can i hold it off? browse thru a couple of MBA available, i need to get my PR soon. but the varieties of courses available is so huge yet specific, it is makin me ponder on what i wanna do in future. i know it will be commerce based, yet which aspect will i thrive? MBA specialised into different aspect - Accounting, Int Biz, Economics, Health. etc. and within each category, there are sub-cat. i cant be an all-rounder if i wanna start my climb in the middle mgt level, i need to specialised into one area, if not i tink i will go crazy. tinking of taking a Grad Dip in Human Resources, but it is only available part time to PR. damn.

this also lead to me tinking, what are my strong pts, that will make me stand out in the cut-throat biz world. Fast-tinking, quick-witted, ruthless, confidence. but i need the experience, if not those pt will become a double-edged sword. and it will stabbed me bad.

i feel myself startin to drift again. i need to focus. or shld i say i have to focus.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Alcohol Withdrawal ....

that is how the weekend went, didnt even touch a single drop of alcohol. wtf.

the whole gang suddenly disappeared, hmm, well, actually could kinda understand, haha. is the final week for assignments and exams arnd the corner. haiz. how could i have forgotten. haha.

actually did have plan for KTV @ Crown with Eugene's gang, but i was just too tired. hmm. also dunno why.

had dinner at Aquarium Restaurant in Ascot. hmm, like what Evee said, no i do not noe how to bloody eat the stupid lobster. especially with that weird looking stick tingy that looks like a toothpick with extra tiny head. hmmm. dinner was alrite, atmosphere was okie, but the dessert was disappointing. hmmm.

end up came back home and slp, haha. oh yeah, stupid Daylight savings started yesterday, so now, i will get bloody confused with the timing. hmmm. not good.

lookin forward to work tml? NO. but it is still a job, get over it. haiz.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Irish ....

goodness, i swear i nv seen so many drunk irish ppl before. and i swear i dun like a single moment of it.

quick update.

went to work this mornin, non-stop action, nth new for fri though. hmmm, got my ass out by 4pm, rushed down to Subi. hmm, today is the International game between Ireland and Aus, rules the same as AFL but using a round ball. goodness.

the fingers are workin hard on the stupid machine, 90 buck fine for almost 50 cars by my machine. plus drunk irish ppl sure make a hell lot of noise. did i mention it was brisk walkin all the way for the entire 4hrs, why? simple, coz i am doing the area arnd the Oval, which is directly in the middle of the action.

the number of empty beer bottles is lining up the streets, one ting i do learn is that, always keep a straight poker face when u see them, esp when they come dressed in the weirdest clothings. patriotic? extremely. fashion-sense? i tink the clown at the circus is so much better.

was starving to hell by the time i finish, met up with Denise and Ruby for dinner at Taka. hmm, tapau sushi for Evee, coz that gal is pretty much holed up at home, gettin buried by the tons of assignments. hahaha.

just a quick observation. the weather today is comparatively similar to PMS, sudden sun, sudden rain. even with lightning and thunder. haha. was at Taka eating when a stroke of lightning and thunder roared thru, the funny part is all the Asians were still eating, while the Ang Mohs are jumpy. haha. even heard a few squeaks and squeals. haha. it was then that i realised, how many times have there been roar of thunder in Perth for the 4 yrs i am here, hmmm, that explain the reaction they had. the fun part is that u see those guys acting cool and strong just fickled. hahaha. that was funny.

now with a full stomach and aching legs, i am headin to bed. hmmm. super tired.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

. . .

well, been anor hell of a wkend, with the bloody weather headin into the high.

ever had the feeling of bein an oven that is bein turned on? well, that is how i feel currently. tink i am fallin sick soon, the throat is gettin dry and the heat is kinda trapped inside. hmm. drink more water.

went to Pasar Malam 08@ Curtin on Fri. hmm, well, actually had dinner at Hawkers before headin down. experiences from the past suggested that always make sure the stomach is full before u head down this event, coz by the time u queue up and buy the food, you will be starved to death on an empty stomach. hahaha.

sat, hmm, had dim sum with Apple, Evee, Robert and etc etc. den we went walked walked in the city, quite a different sat bah. me wanted to buy a watch as my Adidas one is spoilt. hmm. saw a Tissot one, contemplating. hmmm. maybe i will wait till next yr when i go back den i look for one bah, wat stopped me from buying, hmm, well, i like the face of the watch, but the strap was a fancy, i prefer a simpler one. hmmm.

went home and change before meetin Apple they all at Makan Makan, haha. was chilling out till dinner time, met Stephen that gang at Hawker. den shoot a couple of balls at Pot Black, den headed down to Hits.

the two most party person was kinda down, hmm. which kinda put an odd atmosphere into the room, one held on a while and broke down, while the other took almost the whole nite later. hmm.

headed down to Metro after Hits, met up with Evee they all, hmm, well, she called for help, coz there is a huge "fly" pestering her and Claire, haha. okie, to be honest, that guy realli look like a Fly. hahaha.

party the whole nite, send Carol home, and headed back to slp, just realised that the sky was kinda turnin bright when i was abt to go to slp. goodness, i dunno whether to love or hate summer.

saw a documentary that day on tv, it was a medical surgery on the brain. hmmm, got me fascinated, as they showed the process of removing the part of the brain that caused epilesy. what realli caught my interest was the part where they analyse that if they removed that part of the brain, the patient's memory will be gone, as it stored all the memory. hmmm.

maybe, one day, i will.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Its that time again ....

i tink i am my own psychiatrist, my own fortune teller, my own doctor, my own kryptonite, my own downfall, my own motivator. i feel i could pretty be master of all trades in the world, in my world. it is wat i call, "that time" again, no it does not coincide with the monthly visit or the hormones unbalance crap ting.

give a little time + a little emo + a little lose control + tiredness = "that time"

i realize the symptom straight away, was smokin on the balcony, just standin there, staring at the night scene, phrases just float into my brain. just that sense of loneliness creepin in, tried to laugh it off, laughin at myself. i know give it a couple of days and i will be fine. i hate that feeling, coz it just made me reflect onto tings that i dun want to, tings that i rather not tink abt, tings that i rather keep it away for the rest of my life, or maybe until i have the courage to face it again.

stupid tots will come thru, silly tots too. tots that will made me lose rationale and sensibility. tots that will made me feel useless, helpless and wonder why the hell am i still alive.

just need a little spark, and i will be headin into a one-way destructive path. to be able to type this out now, i need to get it out of my system, gonna be tough the next few days, but i tink i will be able to pull thru.

of all the tings i have done,
of all the path i have chose,
of all the lies that have been said & told,
of all the tears that have been shed,
of all the laughter shared,
of all the anger vent,
of all the frus built,
of all the regrets,
of all the hurt,
it is my life,
i hate myself.

Considered for a second about our love at {10/12/2008 11:37:00 PM} (0) comments

. . .

just got back from Hits, weird ting is that Renee didnt go Metro today, so i got a rest. hahaha.

anyway, went to watch "CInderalla on Ice" at Burswiood with Lyle, supposedly yesterday, but due to a technical fault, whereby the ice was onli 90% formed, hmm, got postphoned till today. the modern adaptation of it is pretty good, quite impressive though. enjoyed myself so much. hahaha.

next one will be "The Phantom of rhe Opera" in feb next yr. haven bought the ticket yet, will soon. haha. that is one that i will not miss. haha. even if i had to go myself. hahaha.

realli high now, drank a bit too much. lookin into the mirror, i realised my face isnt as red as it would be before. which i tink my liver is alreadi died. hahaha. not funny.

Halloween is arnd the corner, and apparently, got a party on. shit, what shld i go as????

been caught up wih work, Carwash is finally openin next fri. goodness, and i have the stupid Ops check next week. wonder if i will pass. haiz. stress.

anyway, i tink i better go slp liao. brain shut down.

Considered for a second about our love at {10/12/2008 03:56:00 AM} (0) comments

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What is going on????

was watching the news today, and suddenly just felt blur.

first was Qantas, despite all the PR effort to save the reputation, another crisis ahead, this time round, there are people injured. hmm. lucky for them, this is a country that fully support its airline, it does make ppl like me who studied PR to see thru the spin, and know that there is a cap on the media. hmmm. but it better start to clean up the mess, as it will soon become a big whirlwind.

second was the meltdown on Wall Street market, even passing thru the 750 billion rescue package, the US and Euro market wipe out 2500 Trillion value of stock off the market within 24hrs of trading. now, that is what i call a huge financial crisis.

Third was the annual list of mammals nearing extinction is released, and Orang Utans are going out soon. so is my fav animal, the Tas Devil. ahhhhh. apparently the report stated that humans are the main culprit. which i do agree. hmmm.

hmmm, its just send me into the tot, hmmm. nvm.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Royal Show 08

well, just got back from Royal show, fun? well it was alrite. Lucky? extremely. total Damage? 20 bucks. hahaha.

okie, first, i realised after some time, royal show is realli gettin boring. hmmm. esp if i hav been there for consecutive dunno how many yrs liao. hahaha. though with diff ppl, but the tings there pretty much nv change.

lucky? well, yesh. as usual, not a huge fan of all the games, so ended up i played the ticket tingy. and just 10 of it. i strike 3, including a Jackpot. hahaha. so, i chose a huge banana. hahaha. almost 1.8M, the fat banana weigh like a baby. and i could onli just wrapped my arms arnd it. hahaha. plus two average one lor. haha.

the gang went to play bumper car, i was standing there taking care of the bags. haha. the hot weather got to me half way thru the day, was already feeling the heat trapped inside. hmm. anyway, while watchin them played, i do wonder "why are they going at each other, so much vengence" hahahaha. it also made me realised that if i was in one of the cars, i will be attacked lor. hahaha.

we didnt stayed till the end for the fireworks, esp everyone alreadi quite tired after all the walking, fighting with the banana. headed down to Kim Chi House in NB for dinner, and now back home resting.

so, the long wkend has past, and back to work tml. soon, the week will be over. yeah. hahaha.

Considered for a second about our love at {9/29/2008 10:07:00 PM} (0) comments

Crazy weekend

okie, no one seems surprised. damn.

the long wkend started on Friday, hmmm. it literally started early in the morning at work. was quite impressed by my coolhead. haha.

anyway, started the night with the standard routine of Hits with the gang, den headed down to Asia Cocktail in Metro. supposedly i left my car in Hyatt Hotel, so that i could drink and get drunk and dun worry abt driving. hmm. all went well, until Metro, end up takin care of ppl again.

went back to the hotel, slept thru saturday morning with stupid phone calls from work. hmmm. woke up in time for dinner @ Villa Rustica with Rega. hmmm, their food isnt that nice anymore. damn. shall not patron them nor intro.

headed down to Penthouse, that Rega gal is hell drooling all over the place. hmmm. went on to Mbar, hmm, way too fun sia. coz i no need to take care of Rega, so i could fully enjoy myself. haha. did had drinks, but just to the stage of High not overboard. haha.

went back to the hotel, and slept till arvo of today. hmm, wanted to go see tulips at Araluen, but by the time she woke up and get ready, hmm. ended up headed down to Freo lor. had fish and chips, finally the craving for it hav been curb. den gave the summary tour of Freo.

with time to spare and nth in plan, we headed for a drive. a long one indeed. along the Sunset Coastal drive. all the way to Hillarys. headed back to NB for dinner with Denise they all. den Makan Makan, den back to the hotel. hmmm.

sometimes i do wonder, why do ppl have so much emo baggage? dun they feel tired? when it starts to affect everythin else in life. hmmm. wondering.

a close frenz will require honesty, even if it meant puttin the frenzship on the test. if it is a favour, it has to be returned. Mum used to say, "Of all tings in the world, human favours are the hardest to repay" and if there is a chance to, do it. hmmm. but dun get dragged into the emo roller coaster.

btw, was scrolling thru the channels on tv just now, and den i saw the F1 nite race in sg. it was den that hit me that, other den a couple of familiar buildings, i dun recognise the route taken at all. hmmm. but i still find it a boring race, the circuit is so tight and small, other den the few crashes, all i can see is crazy sg ppl. hmmm. well, at least sg did host sth world level. shld be given an applause for that.

was the AFL grand Final on sat, and i missed it totally. crap. Hawks won, but i still like the Cats. haha. in front of a crowd of 100 000, did hope to be there. Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi. haha. okie, i sound totally like a traitor, but who cares.

anyway, goin slp liao. headin down to Royal Show tml. haha. anor yr, diff ppl.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shld I or Shld I not????

been contemplating this question, shld i head back for CNY next yr, hmmm.

considering that it will be a short trip back, 1wk max, coz of leave restrictions. hmmm, but realli tempted to. shopping of coz, food, cant wait. hmmm. i tink i will need a break after xmas. 600 bucks aussie airfare. hmmm.

total damage estimated to be abt 1.5k aussie. hmmm. shld i???? quite worried if i am gonna lose focus again, not a good experience the last time i went back. starting to feel aloof. hmm. i need to find back what i went off track the time i came back. hmmm. dunno if baby will still be in sg, or will she alreadi head to her own destinations.

considering next yr, wun be taking anymore leave i supposed. coz will be applying for my PR already. hmmm. realli contempleting. i will give myself up to end of monday to come to a conclusion.

plus i need to discuss it with my boss. hmmm. shldnt be a prob since it wun clash with anyone's else shift. hmmm.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Freezing ....

i tink that is the most appropriate term to describe the weather today. strong winds, and scattered showers. hmmm.

the fun part is that i am working at Subi. wtf. hmmm, spend most of my time hiding in corners. hahaha. too cold sia. not even the super thick jacket works. hmmm.

we had a bbq after work, where everyone just crowded arnd the gas bbq, coz it is the onli ting that emit heat, hahaha. couple of sausages and beers. haha. that was simple and fun. hahaha.

Rega still got caught in Brisbane, hmm, her flight been delayed for almost 8hrs i guess. hahaha. apparently is wild wild weather there. hmmm, hope she arrived safely though. hmmm.

gonna just slack at home, cant be bothered goin out. hmmm, resting and resting. anor wk just past. hmm.

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just got back from Hits, consider it to be early for a Saturday, wanted to head to metro, but everyone seem to lose interest liao. hmmm.

well, next week, friday heading down to Mbar, den Sat is Asia Cocktail @ Metro. gonna bring Rega to Penthouse, bet she will be drooling sia. hahaha.

had quite a number of drinks today, dunno why so high. hmmm. even manage to drive back, lucky no cops. hmm.

recieve a msg from my gal, hmm, just brighten up my day. considering i was so bored the whole arvo. hmmm.

if ever one day, u decided that u dun wan me there, please tell me. so that i will retreat into my own world to nurture the hrt. as long as u dun say it, i will always be there. even if it meant for me to fly back, i will if u wan me to. for u, i will.

but if one day i refuse, it doesnt mean that i replaced u, is just that maybe it is better for us. i will not give up wat i fought so hard for, neither will i ask u to. for the future, no one noes, i will do my best. no matter what u choose at the end, i will support u. just rem that there is always someone who love u more den u do.

Considered for a second about our love at {9/21/2008 02:39:00 AM} (0) comments

The Lover

About Me

Name : Sharon Phang a.k.a Stone

Birthdate : 17th August 1984

Other Lovers

Rowena | Qinyi | Lester | Joyce | Ivan | Elvina | Cindy | Carene | Carene's Food Recipe | Danlin | Ying Sheng | Sharon | Jie Qi | Stephanie | Brenda | Jinglin | Cathy | Elise | Evelyn |


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