How True ???
Leo, a universal loved, sunshine filled, energized zodiac. Most Leo craved for love, yet sometimes the love they have isn't considered real, sometimes the love might just be yearned for, or even vainly hope for. To be blatantly honest, the person a Leo loved is themselves. It is important that Leo allow themselves to shine and gain the love and respect from others. From this, Leo will be able to experience the kind of affection from others and feel delighted, as a result, love others. However, we should think carefully, have we really loved? Have we loved the way we wanted?
究其根本,我們愛了,是因為我們愛自己,獅子座的人的自 戀程度可以說是十二星座之首,他可以因為別人的崇拜的目光或者是弱勢的態度而展現自己的愛和博大胸襟,但是,這不是純粹的愛;
Actually, we did love, because we love ourselves. The extent of self-love from a Leo is ranked the highest among the rest of the zodiac. Leo showed their love and abundance breadth of mind through the worship of others or inferiority attitude of others. But, that isn't pure love.
此外,獅子座的人很喜歡征服感,或者他不愛你,或者還不 足夠愛你,但是為了一份征服感,他或者會"愛"上你,以證明自己的非凡魅力,當然,獅子座的人很不願意傷害別人,因為他的內心是善良和充滿正義感的,他是重視原則的人,但是,如果他做了傷害別人的事情,即便出於面子他沒有說什麼,但是其實內心裡他會真的好自責好內疚的,雖然別人看不到,但是他的確會好難過。
Moreover, Leo love the feeling of conquering. Maybe they don't love you, or they have not love you enough, but for the sake of the feeling, they might end up "loving" you, just to prove their outstanding charm. Of course, Leo does not like to hurt others, due to the fact that they are kind-hearted and filled with righteousness inside. Leo are people who value principles, in the event that they hurt others, they will not say it out due to their "face" but deep down inside, they will be feeling guilty. Others might not see it, but Leo will be having a hard time.
獅子座的人,無論男女,都很容易陷入一份感情,但是熱情 來的很快,冷卻的速度也快得驚人,我不知道別人是不是這樣,我是真的這樣的。如果他可以對一份感情持續很長的時間,那麼恭喜了,說明你真的很強勢很有魅力,足以讓他對你死心塌地,否則,獅子座這種內在沒有安全感又很敏感的動物,很可能從更有魅力和新鮮的事物上找溫暖,因為,獅子座的我們看起來好堅強好陽光好樂觀,但是骨子裡面的不安感從未消退過,表面的自信只不過是保護自己的盔甲,但並不是很真實。
Regardless of male or female, Leo sink into a relationship easily, but as fast as the enthusiasm comes, the cooling off is alarming. If a Leo can maintain a relationship for a long period of time with you, congrats. It just meant that you have a strong influence and charm, that allow the Leo to love you whole-heartedly. Otherwise, Leo are known to be insecure and sensitive animals, who will sought for charming or new things. The reason being, although Leo look secure, sunshine, outgoing, the insecurity within have never subside, the confident look is just a defence mechanism.
同時,獅子座的人也可以很絕情,這點我認識所有的獅子座 的人也包括我自己都很像,不可能吃回頭草,字典裡沒有"後悔"或者"回頭"這兩個詞,因為獅子座的人很愛面子,自尊心比什麼都重要,一旦放棄了或者決定了,就不可能回過頭去改變,獅子座的人也很怕被傷害。作為我,寧可錯過一份感情,寧可放棄。寧可不要,也不會冒可能會被傷害的危險,因為太不值得,因為獅子座的人太愛自己了。。。
At the same time, Leo can be heartless. It is impossible for them to turn back to the previous relationship, there is no "regret" or "turning back" in the dictionary of a Leo. Because, Leo have strong pride and ego, once they decided to give it up, there is no way they will turn back and change their mind. Another reason is Leo is afraid to get hurt, they will rather let slip a relationship, give it up, don't want it, just to prevent the danger of getting hurt, to them, it is not worth it, Leo love themselve too much.
獅子座的人喜歡熱鬧,但是也很享受孤獨,他可以把這兩者 之間搞得很平衡,他很喜歡跟朋友一起,瘋狂的玩鬧,成為一個party的主角,但是回到家裡,他立馬就可以變得異常安靜,不喜歡被打擾,他需要自己的空間來思考,如果不給獅子這個空間,對他步步緊逼,那麼他一定會抓狂,變得不可理喻,他還會離開你,因為在獅子的字典裡,"自由"和"自我"這兩詞的比重幾乎佔據了全部。
Leo love the crowd, but they love to be alone too. Leo are able to strike a balance between the two. They love to hang out with friend and have a crazy time, or even becoming the attention of the party, but when being at home, they will become quiet, reserved, they do not like to be disturbed as they need the personal space to reflect. Take that space away, they will become unreasonable or even leave you. "Freedom" and "Self" occupy the most weight in a Leo.
還有,獅子座的人很喜歡新鮮的,華麗的,有質感的,昂貴 的,有品位的東西,他也喜歡樸實,但是卻不喜歡無聊和無趣,他害怕一成不變的枯燥,他害怕今天就能預見明天的可能性,他喜歡為止的新鮮有趣的事物,如果你恰好具備了這一點,那麼你和獅子座的人很配合。
獅子座的人有兩種不同的傾向,一種是很喜歡天然的東西, 不喜歡過多的修飾;另一類是很喜歡奢華另類奇特的事物,更多是獅子座是兩者兼有,我屬於這一種,我討厭過度無謂的修飾,但是欣賞另類特別和高雅的事物,對於愛人的選擇上,可能也會結合這個標準。
獅子座的人很寬容,通常不會因為小事而斤斤計較,他們喜 歡展現自己與眾不同的仁慈心和獲得尊重。對於過往的愛人,獅子座的人很少去探討是誰的功過是非,無論當時對方有多傷害自己,但是過去了就過去了,獅子座的人不會去詛咒或者怨恨,因為他們喜歡向前看,他們不喜歡做八婆和有損自己高貴形象的事情。獅子座的人相信,只要自己完美和努力,幸福就在前方,更美好的一定在等待著我們!!